If you are a parent of a teenager and your life is carefree or void of struggle, say a little prayer for the rest of us. If your child meets curfew every night, makes sound choices about everything and always speaks respectfully to you, thank your lucky stars and forgive the rest of us our cosmic lament.
I write, of course, for the more typical parent-of-teens, whose world feels upside-down, topsy-turvy, off-balance, and sometimes downright broken.
Oh, dear parents! Hang in there. In moments of chaos and confusion, try to remember all things are temporary and this too shall pass. Try not to make rash decisions—or decisions of any kind—when you are in the throes of struggling with a teenager. Try instead to carry on.
It is unbelievably tempting to fall into despair. It can be difficult NOT to question every decision you've ever made, your life's purpose, and the merits of your own personality. Don't do it.
Instead: breathe deeply, listen to the beat of your own heart, remind yourself you are the grown-up, step away from the crazy . . . and carry on.
“If you’re lost and alone
Or you’re sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
of your feet upon the ground and
Carry on”
Some days—many days, in fact, whilst raising teenagers—it’s all we can do. One foot in front of the other. Carry on.
Below, a studio session of the talented young members of FUN, because these words sometimes get me through my day with adolescents. Maybe they’ll sound good to you, too: