Welcome! I'm so glad you're here.

In just a few minutes, check your inbox for your free copy of Ten Real Reasons Parents of Teens Need New Role Models. It's a good diagnostic check, especially for parents whose kids are just starting to turn on them. I hope you will enjoy it and invite other frazzled families to check it out. As I get back to regular blogging, you'll have first access to all new content. Please add your wisdom to the mix!

Together, we can find the fine line between loving our kids and letting them go. When we take a new look at parenting adolescents, we see more joy and a little less frustration. Let us commit to our almost-grown children with open eyes, strong arms and full hearts. Let us strive to be parents who know, protect and honor the little hooligans living under our roof for a few more years.   

Meanwhile, get to know Beyond Mama Bear!

To learn more about my writing and speaking, read this. For more about me, check this out.

If you are asking things like: Why does my kid do such disgusting things? You are not alone! Read this article on things we can’t expect from teenagers, and this reminder of their physical and hormonal realities.

If you have more specific concerns, you might read Ten Questions to Ask When You Suspect Your Kids Are Smoking Pot or Why I Taught Grammar to Kids Who Didn’t Care

If you want to laugh instead of cry, check out Mother’s Day Cards from My Teenagers to Me and Proof Your Family Is Better than Mine.

If you find yourself arguing with people under the age of 30, please read this reminder not to suffer hormonal fools . . . and if you need to be reminded why it’s worth it to hang in there with your adolescent progeny, please consult I Love Teenagers and The Case of the Majestic 13-year-Old.